

100 unique 3D Prints (multi-color polyjet), AI-interpolated CGI animation

“Metamultimouse” is a digital and physical figurine that is both one and many at the same time, embodying the paradox of distributed ownership for hybrid digital-physical artworks. In digital form, the work exists as an animation made with CGI and AI software, morphing between various computer-generated patinas. In physical form, each copy manifests as one of its possible versions. Metamultimouse continues the artist’s inquiry into changing attitudes towards copyright, especially in relation to 3D printing, often using derivatives of Mickey Mouse to exacerbate copyright conundrums. In this latest installment, a smoothed-out version of Mickey rendered free from copyright now has to grapple with NFT culture, where popular characters are expected to be both unique and discernibly similar, often using code to create variants and randomize their distribution.

The project was released on Feral File in August 2022, as part of the Doppelganger group show curated by Chris Coleman. Visit Feral File for more info and for collecting remaining editions.

Render of mmm #84
Render of mmm #40
Render of mmm #79

The project required generating and hand-selecting 100 different algorithmic shaders and 'baking' these as texture files.

Render of mmm #81

The animation required rendering out each sculpture using Blender Cycles. All 100 frames were then processed using an AI image interpolation tool to create a smooth and painterly transition between each output.

A big part of the project is its distribution - going directly to collectors around the world, whom have enabled the materialisation of each physical mmm sculpture upon collecting. Below are some of the photos taken by collectors. Thank you for making this project happen.

mmm collector image
Photo of mmm #12.
mmm collector image
Photo of mmm #51.

Photo of mmm #98
metamultimouse collection
A collection of mmm prints owned by Chris Coleman.

The collection of mmm prints owned by Chris Coleman.

Photo of mmm #43 owned by Kim Asendorf.

Photo of mmm #40, in the collection of Vida Vakil.
